Friday, April 17, 2009

Susan Boyle Rocks!

Like everyone else who’s read about her or heard her sing, I too have an opinion on the lady in question.

Thankfully, I’m not one of those cynical people touting this as unwarranted blitzkrieg. And I’m thankful for that because it’s shameful how some of us feel the need to take away from her moment of glory. Let the woman enjoy her fame, let her enjoy the adulation – god knows there are less deserving people out there who we idolize. I think she deserves all the attention and more! Not just because she sings well, she deserves it as much even if she didn’t.

It takes guts for a 48 year old woman who has lived a secluded and lonely life to do something like this. It takes guts for a woman to survive on her own. I admire her more for her courage and her ability to be happy with the cards life has dealt her. And yes, she does come across as a happy person, not someone you need to pity.

While we may want to project her as the underdog and put ourselves in her shoes and feel sorry for all the hardships she’s been through, she doesn’t seem to want that. We feel emotional when we see the video – we are all thinking now she’s going to be happy, things will change for her and become better now that we have recognized her talent. But the fact is, she doesn’t seem unhappy to start with! She seemed perfectly content with her existence. Her confidence, her joie de vivre were so evident as she took that stage and answered those questions. Damn all those who pity her for being a 48 year old virgin with a cat for company, living a lonely existence in a village. This woman has chutzpah and she really did kick ass!


  1. truly amazing woman!

  2. i agree. she is brave and has the voice of an angel

  3. she rocks,i love her voice:)

    i like your blog;)

    have a nice day:)


  4. thanks mariana! yep she sure is something

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